
St Muns Primary School

St Mun’s Primary is a Catholic co-educational school situated in the centre of Dunoon, adjacent to the local library and within walking distance of the swimming pool, sports stadium, beach, secondary school and church.

The school serves both the immediate area of Dunoon and the surrounding rural areas of Sandbank, Loch Eck, Glen Lean, Toward, Strachur and Ardentinny.

The school is single storey, semi-open plan, occupying two wings of the building, with Clyde Cottage Nursery in the third.

There is an active PTA and supportive School Board and strong links are maintained with a parish, other local schools and the surrounding community.

HMIE inspection Reports:

HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) inspects and reports on the quality of education in pre-school centres, primary schools, secondary schools, special schools, community learning and development services, colleges, and residential educational provision.

You can read and download any inspection reports for this school, and find out more about the inspection process, on the .


St Muns Primary School
PA23 8DB
United Kingdom

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