
Booking Office Licence

To enable a person to operate a booking office within ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ and Bute, you need a licence from the Local Authority.

Completing your application

How to apply

You can download the application forms to apply for a new licence, a renewal or an amendment below:

Booking office licence - application for a new licence

Booking office licence - application for renewal

Due to recent changes in legislation it is no longer possible to apply online for this application.  This is because your right to work in the UK requires to be checked as part of your licence application.  You are required to provide original documentation.

The documents you submit to support your application will require to be checked in your presence.  

You are now required to attend in person to either: -

  • Your local ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ office, or    
  • Council Headquarters, Kilmory, Lochgilphead

Please ensure you have all the necessary supporting documentation or your application will not be processed.

Should you wish to discuss the application process  or requirements please contact 01546 604470 or email:- licensing@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Detailed information of what should be submitted can be found in these guidance notes.

Legislation regarding HMRC tax checks for licence applications.

Regulation Summary 

Schedule of Conditions

Details of the Schedule of Conditions  that relate to this licence.


£147.00 for 3 years from date issued

Contact details

Telephone: 01546 604355 or licensing@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Legal and Regulatory Support
Licensing Section
PA31 8RT

Eligibility Criteria

A  Booking Office Licence is required for running a booking office.
You must not be disqualified from holding a licence and you must be a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence.
You must not have applied for the same licence within the last year, unless there has been a material change in your circumstances since your last application.

The application process

We will:

  • send a copy of the application to Police Scotland
  • send a copy of the application to Strathclyde Fire and Rescue (only if public are allowed access to the premises)
  • place a notice on the local authority office notice board which states the applicant details contained in the application, that any objections or representations may be made to ourselves, and how they should be made
  • keep a register of applications in which we will enter the receipt of the application, our final decision and reasons for the decision, the details of the terms of each licence granted and a note of any suspension, variation of the terms, or surrender, of a licence

The register must be available for inspection by any member of the public at reasonable times and places and any member of the public must be allowed to make a copy of it.  A fee will be required for this service.

Where we fail to make a decision within six months of the application, the licence is held to be granted or renewed.


 If you have made an application for a licence and it has been refused

You may ask us for the reasons for our decision to refuse your application within 21 days of the decision date.

You may appeal to the sheriff against the decision, within 28 days of the decision, as long as you have already followed any available procedure to state your case to ourselves.

The appeal will only be successful if the sheriff considers that we, in making our decision, had:

  • erred in law
  • based our decision on an incorrect material fact
  • acted contrary to natural justice
  • exercised our discretion in an unreasonable manner

You may then appeal on a point of law from the sheriff's decision to the Court of Session within 28 days from the date of the sheriff’s decision.

Appeals - Licence Holders

Appeals against the refusal of an application must be made to the Sheriff Principal of North Strathclyde, Paisley Sheriff Court, St James Street, Paisley, PA3 2AW.

You may appeal if we decide to suspend a licence, not to renew a licence, or not to consent to material changes to the premises or vehicle used in the course of a licence holder's work. You may appeal against the decision within 28 days of being notified, as long as you have already followed any available procedure to state your case to ourselves.

The appeal will only be successful if the sheriff considers that we, in making our decision, have:

  • erred in law
  • based our decision on an incorrect material fact
  • acted contrary to natural justice
  • exercised our discretion in an unreasonable manner

You may then appeal on a point of law from the sheriff's decision to the Court of Session within 28 days from the date of the sheriff’s decision.

Objections or representations

Objections or representations relating to a licence application may be made in writing to the licensing section, within 28 days of notice of the licence application being given, stating:

  • the grounds of the objection or nature of the representation
  • the name and address of the person making the representation

Police Scotland, or anyone who has made a relevant objection or representation regarding the licence, may appeal against a decision within 28 days of being notified, as long as they have already followed any available procedure in terms of stating their case to ourselves.

The appeal will only be successful if the sheriff considers that we, in making our decision, had:

  • erred in law
  • based our decision on an incorrect material fact
  • acted contrary to natural justice
  • exercised our discretion in an unreasonable manner
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