ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ is investing in the area’s bridge infrastructure after successfully securing £5.4 million from the Scottish Government’s highly competitive Local Bridge Maintenance Fund.
ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ has repeated its request for a formal meeting with the Scottish Government to discuss a possible extension on the municipal solid waste landfill ban which is due to be implemented from 1 January 2026.
Please be patient and allow extra time for your journey – is the advice from ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ to road users in Oban Town Centre, due to a sequencing issue at the pedestrian crossing.
Please be patient and allow extra time for your journey – is the advice from ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ to road users in Oban Town Centre, due to a sequencing issue at the pedestrian crossing.
People in ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ and Bute will have the opportunity to comment on the Scottish Government’s plans to establish at least one new National Park in Scotland by 2026.
To encourage responsible parking and improve general road safety, the Scottish Government has increased national Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) for the first time in twenty-two years.
Small Isles Primary on the Isle of Jura has been working hard to promote children’s rights and their efforts have paid off, having just received a prestigious Silver Rights Respecting Schools Award from UNICEF.