We received 240 tonnes of material on site on 13 December to enable us to start surfacing the emergency bypass. The new bypass opened for use on 16 December 2023.

6th December - "It was a pleasure coming across this morning." This was the comment from one of the passengers currently using the boat to commute from Ardfern to Crinan while the A816 is closed.

4th December - This is an image of the new road from the Kilmartin end looking north with the new road going through the trees -

4th December - This is an image of the new road looking south, back towards the A816 main road -

29th November - Emergency route on track to open 16 December, subject to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

27 November 2023 - The southern half of the emergency route (forestry route) has been excavated down to formation level. Geotextile grid has been laid across the formation and the stone subbase has been imported.

27 November 2023 - We are continuing to remove spoil and boulders that came down as part of the debris flow. We have removed 15,000 tonnes of debris to date.

A816 timescales – here’s a map of what we’re working to deliver. We had hoped to re-open the A816 route mid to end November. The unsafe state of the hillside unfortunately rules that out. So we are progressing the diversion route, for opening mid-December subject to any new issues, while we continue to clear and stabilise the A816.

4th November - This is an example of the boulders that we’re working to bring down safely from the hillside as we continue clearance operations at Ardfern. This one is estimated to be about 20 tonnes.

4th November - This is what remains of a 220-tonne boulder that our teams had to break up at the site of the landslip at Ardfern.

4th November - work continues to clear 6,000 of debris from the road

31st October - images of our teams working on the clean up after the landslip