
Inter country adoption

Enquiries for inter-country adoption are dealt with in the normal way through the Social Workers Family Placement.  

Initial visits are arranged and couples are advised on the information available for the country of choice and directed appropriately.   Applicants are invited to attend our preparatory groups or advised to attend Inter-country Preparatory Group if available.   After the preparation period applicants are required to write to Children’s Resource Manager indicating their request for an Inter-country Assessment and they will reply confirming the current cost and process for assessment.

This Authority is committed to completing assessments for an inter-country application.   The cost to the applicant will be provided on request.  Couples are invoiced after the application has been presented to the Approval & Matching Panel and is payable even if the application has not been successful.

The process for inter-country assessments is essentially the same as for home assessments with the Approval & Matching Panel making a recommendation to the Agency Decision Maker.

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