
Prison Throughcare and Aftercare Services

Services provided:

  • Life licence
  • Parole Licence
  • Non-parole Licence
  • Extended Sentence
  • Order for Lifelong Restriction
  • Home Detention Curfew
  • Supervised Release Order
  • Short Term Sex Offender Licence

If you are subject to any of the above you will be allocated a Justice Social Worker at the start of your custodial sentence.  This Social Worker will support you from your community whilst you are in custody and after your release.  They will attend prison based meetings which will focus on your progress in prison and your return to the community.  They will also do any required reports for the prison or Parole Board and on release support your return to the community and compliance with any conditions.

Voluntary Throughcare

If you are not automatically allocated a Justice Social Worker we will contact you at the beginning and end of your custodial sentence to offer you support on a voluntary basis.  A member of the Justice Social Work team will meet with you and support you whilst you are in custody, help with arrangements for your release and help with any issues you may have following release. 

The following areas may be considered during the period of Voluntary Throughcare:

  • Suitability of accommodation
  • Problem areas in your life that may require support e.g. drug or alcohol issues, mental health
  • Employment/education 
  • Benefit maximisation 
  • Food Banks and Starter Packs
  • Housing Support
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