


Public to be consulted on service priorities

Members of the public will be asked for their views on the council’s latest campaign to bring funding to ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ and Bute, as part of a consultation on budget priorities. At its meeting today (17 October), council agreed to seek the views of local people on how best to bridge an estimated funding gap of £9.2million in 2020/21. The consultation highlights work the council has been doing to increase funding for local services through the potential transfer of four council-run ferries to Transport Scotland.

17 October 2019

Council makes significant progress in supporting and promoting British Sign Language

ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ has made significant progress in supporting and promoting the use of British Sign Language (BSL) over the last 12 months. At a meeting of today’s Policy and Resources Committee, members heard how six of the seven measures identified in its Joint British Sign Language Plan have either been completed or put in to practice since the plan was approved in October 2018.

17 October 2019

Islanders asked for views on Deposit Return Scheme

Zero Waste Scotland is holding events on Islay and Bute to talk about the introduction of Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme. The organisation is keen to find out how people feel the scheme will work on islands and the impact it might have. The first event will be at the Machrie Hotel and Golf Links, Islay, on 22 October, between 10am and 1pm. The event on Bute will be held at the Victoria Hotel, Rothesay, from 10am to 1pm on 28 October.

14 October 2019

Fighting fuel poverty

44% of ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ and Bute’s population spends more than 10% of their income to heat and light their homes.

11 October 2019

£9m savings target for council in 2020/21

ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ will have to make savings estimated at £9.2m in 2020/21. Reports to be considered by Council next week set out the challenge faced by the council. Council Leader, Councillor Aileen Morton said: “There are no easy options left for making more savings. We’ve delivered £57million in savings since 2010, we’ve had the third highest cut in funding of all of Scotland’s councils in recent years, and estimates show we will have to deliver another £9.2 million of savings next year.

11 October 2019
A piucture of Bute resident Rasha Rasho outside her place of work on the island

COSLA award for council’s work with refugees

ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ’s work in supporting refugees into employment has won a prestigious award at the 2019 COSLA Excellence Awards. The ‘Supporting our Refugees into Work’ programme landed COSLA’s ‘ Excellent People, Excellent Outcomes Award’ at last night’s (Thursday) ceremony in St Andrew’s.

11 October 2019

Stand against domestic violence

Domestic violence and abuse can be a driver of poverty vulnerability for partners fleeing abuse. More than two-thirds of survivors of domestic abuse have reported their partners withheld money from them as a key method of controlling and mistreating them, according to the Women’s Aid report, The Economics of Abuse.

10 October 2019
A photo from a recent Urban Outfitters shoot in ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ and Bute

Film in ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ and Bute

ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ and Bute’s popularity as a filming location is well established – and the council is working alongside residents and partner organisations to ensure that the trend continues. A number of productions have come to the area so far in 2019, including BBC drama The Nest – starring Martin Compston and Sophie Rundle. Documentaries, adverts and other productions have also filmed in ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ and Bute in 2019. The area’s stunning landscape continues to attract fashion photoshoots too, with Urban Outfitters recently having visited the area.

10 October 2019

Getting help when it's needed

  We want to make it easier for people to get education benefits for their children. By matching information held on our the council’s benefit system to that held in our education system, we have automated some payments of school clothing grants and free school meals this year. To date 190 individual payments of £100 have been issued to people that have an entitlement for school clothing grants but hadn’t submitted a claim.

9 October 2019

ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ and Bute joins voices raised against poverty

This week ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ will join voices raised against poverty as it demonstrates what is being done to tackle poverty across the area. It will take part in Challenge Poverty week, a campaign started by the Poverty Alliance to highlight the reality of poverty and challenge the stereotypes. The week will showcase the solutions to poverty and increase public support for action to solve the problem.

7 October 2019
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