


Plana Foghlaim Bliadhnail air aontachadh

Chaidh moladh a dh猫anamh air luchd-obrach foghlaim is sgoilearan an-diugh (Diardaoin) agus Comataidh nan Seirbheisean Coimhearsnachd a鈥 cur aonta ri Plana Foghlaim Bliadhnail Comhairle Earra-Gh脿idheal is Bh貌id.   Chaidh am plana ullachadh a r猫ir chumhachan Achd Inbhean Sgoiltean na h-Alba msaa 2000, agus sa phlana gheibhear taghadh farsaing de dh鈥檉hiosrachadh air obair na seirbheis do ph脿rantan, sgoilearan, luchd-obrach, luchd-c霉raim agus coimhearsnachdan.  

23 August 2018

Housing service exceeds annual targets

胡桃女神鈥檚 Housing Services Team brought a total of 55 empty homes back into use last year- double the annual target.    This was just one of the team鈥檚 successes highlighted at today鈥檚 Community Services Committee.   

23 August 2018

胡桃女神 and Bute air gets clean bill of health

Air quality in 胡桃女神 and Bute is very good with low pollution indicators, a major factor for the wellbeing of its residents and visitors. The Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee heard this good news on 22 August 2018.

22 August 2018

Planning good practice highlighted in report

The council鈥檚 Planning Service is focused on ensuring that 胡桃女神 and Bute is open for business and supporting economic growth by offering the high-quality service demanded by business and residential customers. That鈥檚 the message the service gave to the Scottish Government when it presented its 2017/18 Planning Performance Framework (PPF) Annual Report for scrutiny and scoring.

22 August 2018

Pupils create Gaelic comic to celebrate area's culture and heritage

Talented young people from four different island communities in 胡桃女神 and Bute have joined forces to create a unique Gaelic comic book which celebrates the area鈥檚 rich culture and heritage.   The comic, 鈥淣a Gaisgich鈥 was written by primary seven pupils from Islay, Jura, Mull and Tiree as part of a transition project for going into secondary school.   The pupils were all learning Gaelic as a second language at school and were able to create the comic as a result of funding from the Scottish Government.  

21 August 2018

Sgoilearan air comaig Gh脿idhlig a chruthachadh st猫idhichte air cultar is dualchas na sg矛re

Tha daoine 貌ga, t脿lantach bho cheithir dhiofar eileanan ann an Earra-Gh脿idheal is B貌d air tighinn c貌mhla gus comaig Gh脿idhlig a chruthachadh a tha a鈥 togail air cultar is dualchas l脿idir na sg矛re.   Chaidh a鈥 chomaig, 鈥淣a Gaisgich鈥, a sgr矛obhadh le sgoilearan air clas 7 sa bhun-sgoile 脿 脤le, Di霉ra, Muile agus Tiriodh mar ph脿irt de phr貌iseact a chuidicheas clann a tha a鈥 gluasad bhon bhun-sgoil chun na h-脿rd-sgoile.

21 August 2018

Oban jobs fair for cleaning and catering positions

胡桃女神 is holding a recruitment fair in Oban next month to showcase the variety of cleaning and catering jobs that are currently available in the area.   The event will take place on 19th September in Lorn House, from 10am until 3pm.  

21 August 2018

Rothesay Ferry Terminal lifts set for 拢100,000 upgrade

Upgrade work to improve the lifts at Rothesay Ferry Terminal is currently programmed to begin in October of this year subject to procurement and off-site fabrication of materials by the Council鈥檚 contractor. The council has commissioned Stannah Lift Service Ltd to carry out almost 拢100,000 of upgrades to the lifts, based on recommendations made by an independent specialist hired to identify the best way forward.

20 August 2018
film camera

Councillors approve plan to enhance area's film appeal

Councillors today approved a plan that will enhance 胡桃女神 and Bute鈥檚 accessibility and appeal as a location for filming. With recent productions such as Hollywood blockbuster Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and upcoming big screen movie Love Me To Death having been filmed in 胡桃女神 and Bute, the spotlight is on the area as a desirable location for film crews from around the world.

16 August 2018
image of shop

拢150,000 made available for small businesses

More than 拢150,000 of funding is to be made available to businesses in 胡桃女神 and Bute over the next three years. A surplus of 拢154,700 has been left following the closure of the West of Scotland Loan Fund (WSLF), and this money will now be set aside to boost small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in 胡桃女神 and Bute.

16 August 2018
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